Candles can light your way through divination.
The art of Ceromancy is a divination technique that involves dropping
melted candle wax into cold water. The shapes of the solidified wax
within the water are interpreted into symbols that hold meanings. The
drippings along the candlestick hold meaning as well as the shape of
the burning flames. Try out the exercise below but beware when
working with hot candle wax, you can be burned:
1. Take two candles and tie them together with a scarlet ribbon.
2. Either place them upright in a bowl of cold water or hold them at
an angle, so the hot wax will be able to drip directly into the
water. Now light them.
3. Interpret the solidified wax droplets. There are a few traditional
meanings for symbols (see below) but other shapes will be up to your
personal intuitive interpretation.
Traditional Interpretations of Wax Drops
Bird: news is coming
Circle or ring: It is time for reconciliation
Chain: go ahead with your plans
Cross: you are protected
Splayed fan: a surprise is coming your way
Moon: Money is approaching
Heart: friendship will become love
Table: an abundance of blessings for you and your family
Resource: Sarah Bartlett. (2012). The Essential Guide to Psychic
Powers. Develop Your Intuitive, Telepathic and Healing Skills.
London: Watkins Publishing.
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