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Magical Places: Boulder Field

 Hickory Run State Park, PA
I traveled to this magical place for the first time when I was young. I visited with my younger brother and my mother. We journeyed down the miles long bare road within Hickory Run State Park in Pennsylvania to see the acres of boulders that remained after a glacier delivered them within this field. We heard it was an eye opening experience. Along the drive to our destination my clairvoyance kicked on. I saw many mystical creatures trotting within the thick forest, flying gracefully along the road, and going about their business. I had never seen so many creatures in one area! You could tell that different sects of creatures lived in their own areas within the woods. The closer we got to our destination-the more mystical our journey became. My mother was beginning to sense the various creatures as well. 

We finally arrived to our destination. It was amazing and definitely fit the definition-eye opening! A field covered with thousands of boulders sat with pride. Paths and forests surrounded the majestic acres of stones. I explored the pathways surrounding the field. There were constantly creatures fleeting through the corners of our eyes. Things were constantly moving through branches and bushes trying to escape our sight as they watched us explore. Many tiny homes were in reach nestled within uprooted roots from the trees and under stones coated with moss. You could find many fairy-like villages surrounding the field. This place was magical and full of mystery. How did all of those boulders come to this place? This was the only place the glaciers remained? I have never seen or heard of anywhere else like it! It seemed like hours went by as we explored the paths within the surrounding forests and the infinite numbers of boulders. 

This tradition has lived on with my family for years since. Practically every year we make our way to this state forest to visit. The feeling of magic has lived on and our hearts rejoice at the sight every time we visit. This is a place that should be cherished for centuries to come and I believe every individual following the mystical path should take a moment to visit this magical and inspiring place.


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