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Interview with a Gothic Industrial Artist

When Goth is mentioned, usually the image of a teen or young adult comes to mind-coated in black clothing and miserable with life or bored with the antics of those around them. Either burying their heads deep in a book or behind a blank canvas-hoping to dive into another realty or making one of their own. 

The Gothic culture is one that is largely misunderstood throughout our society. Gothic art usually focuses on pieces of art that contains images such as: shadows, storms, heavy emotional images, skulls or skeletons, moonlight, creepy trees, spider webs, vampires, night time, Gothic architecture, crows or ravens, and roses. It is like a blend of Halloween, mystical, and Victorian art.

Elizabeth is an artist who lives and breathes the Gothic culture. She specializes in Gothic fashion, modeling, as well as creating Gothic style accessories and paintings. I took a moment to sit down with her in hope to bring understanding of the lifestyle and the art form.

What is your definition of Goth?
The culture that celebrates the dark side of life and delight in what is considered against the norm.

What aspect of this art form is your favorite?
I delight in the hidden aspect of art. Gothic art highlights the darkness within all of us and finds the hidden emotions. If you think about it, throughout history we have hidden dark aspects that we would rather have as secrets that die as time goes on. Gothic art creates art by searching for the secret or darkness that is underlying within and brings it to the surface. The idea is to celebrate the dark side and bring other emotions out. We have many emotions that we hide away, Goth brings that forward and makes it acceptable. It creates a sense of acceptance and self exploration.
Many themes in Gothic art is the “unmentionable” aspect of art. It displays the mystical world. The things that happen at night. The things that remain usually unseen. It creates a sense of magic and fantasy, also it opens our eyes to the themes we discourage.

How do you feel about the Gothic stereotype?
I know this sounds funny but we tend to use it to our advantage-no one bugs the Goth kid. Goths are viewed as miserable people who hate being bothered and are misunderstood artists. That helps in many ways. People leave ya alone and usually are scared of you so they don’t nag at you for long. They usually go about their way and let you go along yours.

What inspires your art?
I focus on the magic within the dark art. Like most famously, Edgar Allan Poe-through his literature sparked a movement. The dark art creates an unforgettable feeling within us that cannot be experienced in another way. I want my art to be similar. I want my art to make people experience another world. All of us should become whole-the light and loving aspect as well as the dark and mystical sides of ourselves.

What is your advice for a beginning artist?
My advice is follow what inspires you. When you walk through a craft store, what aisle are you drawn to automatically? When you see materials, what artistic ideas come to mind? Be what YOU truly want to be and create what YOU truly want to create. Others should not influence who you are or your expression through art. Art is how we discover and express our true selves. 

If you are interested in joining a Gothic community and experiencing this culture, there is a wonderful website you can join for free. is an online Gothic community full of musicians, artists, models, and has a gift shop. This website enables you to open your eyes to the world of the dark arts


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