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Black Blood

The manifestation of negativity

In the realm of energy work there is positive energy and negative energy. It is similar to the concept of ying and yang. These energies are all around us and are in our every day lives. Negative energy can attach to us-either by being in a negative environment, being near someone practicing the dark arts, by dealing with someone who is troublesome, as well as having health issues. Black Blood is a term given to an entity that has been created from the manifestation of negativity within the body. Black Blood begins as negative energy that flows from an area within the body that over time if not treated can spread through other areas within the body and eventually can begin to manifest. Have you ever known someone who is usually in a negative state of mind and over time their appearance changes? Their “misery shows” over the years? This is an example. 

Over the years I have dealt with many clients who have Black Blood within their systems. During energy work sessions, their energy feels much different. You can feel a colder spot within their energy flow, it feels like thick crawling under the skin or a pool of a tarry substance. It is usually located along the spine of the individuals. Black Blood can be removed by positive energy and being “pulled out” in energy work terms. Black Blood grows weak near positive energy, light, and heat.


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