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Showing posts from 2016

Creature of the Month: Hippogriff

Creature of the Month: Hippogriff The combination of a horse and a Griffin. Can be found: Among the mountainous far north. Description: The Hippogriff has the body of a large horse and the front part of a Griffin with beak, claws, and wings. This creature has been featured in many stories throughout the Middle Ages. It is believed that its mother was a horse and its father was a Griffin. Upon meeting this astral being, you must be prepared in order to be brought to enlightenment, if you have convinced yourself into believing you are prepared, you will be delivered to disturbing experiences. Using this creature in meditation enables you to travel within the worlds. It is believed this creature can take you to the path of spiritual enlightenment. This journey will cure you of any false beliefs of your spiritual journey and will show all truths. 

Mystical Techniques: Ceromancy

Candles can light your way through divination. The art of Ceromancy is a divination technique that involves dropping melted candle wax into cold water. The shapes of the solidified wax within the water are interpreted into symbols that hold meanings. The drippings along the candlestick hold meaning as well as the shape of the burning flames. Try out the exercise below but beware when working with hot candle wax, you can be burned: 1. Take two candles and tie them together with a scarlet ribbon. 2. Either place them upright in a bowl of cold water or hold them at an angle, so the hot wax will be able to drip directly into the water. Now light them. 3. Interpret the solidified wax droplets. There are a few traditional meanings for symbols (see below) but other shapes will be up to your personal intuitive interpretation. Traditional Interpretations of Wax Drops Bird: news is coming Circle or ring: It is time for reconciliation Chain: go ahead wi...

Magical Places: Boulder Field

  Hickory Run State Park, PA I traveled to this magical place for the first time when I was young. I visited with my younger brother and my mother. We journeyed down the miles long bare road within Hickory Run State Park in Pennsylvania to see the acres of boulders that remained after a glacier delivered them within this field. We heard it was an eye opening experience. Along the drive to our destination my clairvoyance kicked on. I saw many mystical creatures trotting within the thick forest, flying gracefully along the road, and going about their business. I had never seen so many creatures in one area! You could tell that different sects of creatures lived in their own areas within the woods. The closer we got to our destination-the more mystical our journey became. My mother was beginning to sense the various creatures as well.  We finally arrived to our destination. It was amazing and definitely fit the definition-eye opening! A field covered with thousan...

Creature of the Month: Woodwose

Wild men of the woods Can be found: European and Scottish woodlands Source of food: Assumed to be omnivore Height: Average human adult height to seven feet tall Description: Similar to the Greenmen who are covered in leaves, these men are covered in hair or fur and wear no clothes. They have been compared to the Sasquatch of North America but are considered more human-like, unlike the Sasquatch which is ape-like. These men live within thick woodlands and protect the wild forests they inhabit. They also have been called upon as “Wooser”, “Ooser”, or “Wild Men of the Woods”. In medieval times, their features were used on masks. There are also carvings of the Woodwose in churches in East Anglia. These entities were featured in many literary pieces dating from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth century. Very little is known about them.

Black Blood

The manifestation of negativity In the realm of energy work there is positive energy and negative energy. It is similar to the concept of ying and yang. These energies are all around us and are in our every day lives. Negative energy can attach to us-either by being in a negative environment, being near someone practicing the dark arts, by dealing with someone who is troublesome, as well as having health issues. Black Blood is a term given to an entity that has been created from the manifestation of negativity within the body. Black Blood begins as negative energy that flows from an area within the body that over time if not treated can spread through other areas within the body and eventually can begin to manifest. Have you ever known someone who is usually in a negative state of mind and over time their appearance changes? Their “misery shows” over the years? This is an example.  Over the years I have dealt with many clients who have Black Blood within their systems....

Psychic and Alternative Health Fairs

Several places in our communities hold Psychic Fairs. These events are successful in bringing the metaphysical world into the community. For those who are well versed in the metaphysical realm, these events are wonderful ways to gain in experience, socialize with similar people, and restock supplies. For those who are just beginning their mystical journey, this is a wonderful way to learn about the metaphysical realm, find advice, ask questions, discover new interests, as well as network. It is also a great way to find your niche by experimenting and see how it all works. These events are filled with mystical items for sale that can rarely be purchased elsewhere, as well as handmade goods, inspiring crafts. Of course there are also psychics, mediums, and teachers willing to give their experience and guidance. Lots of experienced mystics provide their services to customers (usually for a fee). Palm readers, tarot card readers, rune stone readers are often present at these gatherings...

Dreams-The Secret Language of Sleep

The definition of a dream   Dreams are emotional expressions of our inner most selves. Formerly thought of as visions. Dreams incorporate all the senses and reflect on our lives, helping us to understand and solve problems or just pass comment from the subconscious. Description of the two basic types of dreams. The two basic types of dreams are literal and symbolic. Literal dreams incorporate logically scenes and solutions. Because we are taught to think clearly and logically from childhood, many of our dreams reflect this tendency. The literal dreams should be taken at face value, as there is little symbolism or creativity involved. These literal dreams may recall past events, probable events or even future events. Reliving the past can be a valuable tool for acceptance or getting another chance to assess a situation. Symbolic dreams reflect our inner world of intuition and creativity; an expression of feelings and emotion. They can be expressions of frustrations...

Creature of the Month: Gnome

The little man with the pointy hat and beard.   Can be found: Gnomes have been found all around the world.  Height: They range in height varying from four to twelve inches tall Source of food: Cereals, root vegetables, known to have ale during celebrations. Description: Whenever gnomes are mentioned, we imagine a tiny man or lady with pointy hats. Statues of Gnomes have been used as yard or garden decorations for many years. (I have a large one of my own). The men are most well known-their cheery faces stick out of their large white beards. They wear little pointed caps, sewn peasant style clothing, and tights. Female gnomes typically wear similar clothing and it is typical for married females to wear scarves. These fantastic little creatures can live for hundreds of years. They tend to live peaceful lives outside of civilizations usually in underground colonies in forests or rock gardens. They can adapt to life in large bird houses or in thick shrubbery...

Labyrinths-The Maze of the Mind

Labyrinths have been used for centuries, as a means to meditate and/or explore the mind. Labyrinths have been created by people for centuries and are typically a path lined by stone or wood. Often crystals are added along the path or guide stones are added for the compas points (North,South,East, West). Frequently benches are placed for resting and quiet reflection. The center point of the labyrinth is often a place is enlarged and allows one to reflect on the inner discoveries revealed in the process. The exact composition of the labyrinth can have many variations, some are complicated   and set up with choices of paths to take such as a maze. Others are simple paths that lay out in concentric rings. The most common has the walker proceeds through each quarter of the labyrinth with each folding on itself in twists and turns before approaching the next quarter. In this way the walker moves through the East quarter (or other compass point), before heading into the Northern se...