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Creature of the Month: Gnome

The little man with the pointy hat and beard. 

Can be found:
Gnomes have been found all around the world. 
They range in height varying from four to twelve inches tall
Source of food:
Cereals, root vegetables, known to have ale during celebrations.
Whenever gnomes are mentioned, we imagine a tiny man or lady with pointy hats. Statues of Gnomes have been used as yard or garden decorations for many years. (I have a large one of my own). The men are most well known-their cheery faces stick out of their large white beards. They wear little pointed caps, sewn peasant style clothing, and tights. Female gnomes typically wear similar clothing and it is typical for married females to wear scarves. These fantastic little creatures can live for hundreds of years. They tend to live peaceful lives outside of civilizations usually in underground colonies in forests or rock gardens. They can adapt to life in large bird houses or in thick shrubbery. They are elemental creatures and feel connected to the earth element. They tend to take on characteristics of the people of the country or culture where they reside. Gnomes are known for having several hiding places where they can hide store things. They are good natured creatures with a sense of humor that keep to themselves. Though it has been known that if human beings cause damage to their habitats or destroy nature in reckless regard, they tend to sabotage projects and can cause damage.

My father often told the story of when he had a visit by a gnome. My father was resting in the apple orchard on our family farm. He wanted to relax and enjoy the view after he finished some mowing. He sat on top of the hill in the shade of the large tree he had plucked an apple from. As he munched he heard a small sound from beside him. He looked around to discover what had made the sound. He looked to the path that lead to the small orchard. A tiny man was walking up the path. He was humming a small tune as he walked with his hands in his pockets of his sewn outfit. My father stared at the cheerful man. He looked identical to all of the pictures he had seen of gnomes in books he had read in the past. The man walked past my father and tilted his pointed hat as he continued past him. My father nodded his head as a greeting and watched the small man walk down the path. He seemed quite content as he continued on his journey. Hearing this story always made me feel inspired. I could imagine the scene so vividly. My father always looked into the distance as if he was remembering that touching moment whenever he told me the story. I rarely saw that look when he was sharing stories. It made me believe him every time. This story inspired me to dive into the world of metaphysical creatures.


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