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Creature Feature: (Winged) Sea Unicorn

Can be found:
Within the deep waters of the sea.

It has been shown to have the front part, head, and forelegs of a horse, a fish tail in the rear, and the horn of a Unicorn (mystical horse with a spiraled horn). Several sea unicorns have been seen with wings on its shoulders.

Metaphysical Purpose:
It is believed that this creature will help you prepare your emotions for deep metaphysical work.
This creature combines the positive qualities of a Unicorn and a Pegasus (magical winged horse) to enable someone to gain control over their own emotions. This creature comes with a warning to those who misuse this given ability- a person who masters the ability to control emotions could learn to manipulate the emotions of others around them.


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Coming soon: Abby Normil Discoveries!

Abby Normil enjoys seeking out abnormal finds and sharing her discoveries with others who share her curious nature. Come see what she has to share!

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